Lawn and Pest Control Blogs

Wingate Pest & Lawn specializes in comprehensive lawn care and pest control services tailored to meet your needs. From routine maintenance to specialty pest control, we've got you covered. Visit our lawn page and learn from our blogs for more lawn maintenance and pest identification tips. Contact our lawn and pest control professionals in Columbia, MO today for a free inspection and estimate.

Determining the Frequency of Pest Control Treatments

August 12, 2023

Pest control is crucial to maintaining a clean and healthy environment in our homes and businesses. Regular pest control treatments play a vital role in preventing infestations and ensuring the well-being of our living spaces. Continue reading to discover how often pest control should be done. To effectively prevent common pests in residential properties, scheduling regular pest control treatments three times a year is sufficient. Due to our harsh Missouri winters, a winter treatment is ...

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Pests That Can Ruin Your Summer Backyard BBQ

July 18, 2023

Summer is ideal for engaging in outdoor activities and gatherings, including barbecues. As you prepare for fun outdoor activities, remember that summer is also the season when more pests and insects frolic around, so yard pest control is more vital. The following are the most common pests that can ruin your summer BBQ. Mosquitoes Barbecues during the summertime can easily be disrupted by mosquitoes, making these events less enjoyable for everyone. It can be quite ...

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Lawn Aeration FAQ: What You Need to Know

July 9, 2023

A lush and healthy lawn necessitates more than just mowing the grass and demands additional care. Getting a lawn aeration service is an important practice that can greatly benefit the health and appearance of your lawn. But although it is a crucial part of lawn care, there are still many people who are not familiar with this process and have questions about it. If you're searching for answers to your questions about lawn aeration ...

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The Role of Moisture in a Termite Infestation

April 30, 2023

Moisture is a key factor in the survival and reproduction of termites; without it, they cannot thrive. A crawlspace, in particular, can be a breeding ground for these pests if it has a high moisture level. What Attracts Termites to a Property? Termites are constantly searching for water sources to survive. Usually, termites get their water from the soil. However, they also find water sources from dripping pipes, condensation on pipes, and plugged gutters of ...

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How To Keep Your Yard Mosquito-Free

April 29, 2023

Mosquitoes, especially those that carry diseases such as the Zika virus, dengue, and malaria, pose risks to human health and safety. Taking preventive measures like mosquito elimination can help you protect your loved ones and achieve a mosquito-free yard. Here are some effective methods you can try: Remove Unused Containers and Discarded Tires From Your Yard Stagnant water makes an ideal breeding site for mosquitoes, providing a suitable environment for their eggs to hatch and ...

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Termite Swarming Season: Three Indications of Termite Swarmers

April 19, 2023

Missouri properties are susceptible to moderate-to-severe termite damage based on the Termite Infestation Probability (TIP) Zones, which help determine if an inspection or prevention is necessary to protect homes from termites. Because Missouri is located in TIP Zone #2, homeowners must take extra precautions to prevent termites from causing damage to their homes. Identifying an infestation, understanding when to expect a swarm, and having a strategy if termites are found in your home will save ...

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Four Ant Pest Control Myths

February 27, 2023

Getting rid of ants on your property can be one of the most stressful tasks as a homeowner. While there’s a myriad of do-it-yourself pest control solutions out there, the best solution would be to contact a professional for their opinion and treatment options using integrated pest management. Here are some of the popular ant pest control myths you shouldn’t believe: Myth #1: “Boiling Water Can Wipe Out an Entire Colony” Ant hills ...

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4 Pest-Proofing Methods for Your Home This New Year

January 10, 2023

A pest-free home is a great way to start the new year. It should be a top priority when starting the year to maintain a healthy environment for your loved ones. This starts with home pest control. You can take preventative measures to keep pests and rodents out of your home. Continue reading this blog to discover some recommended pest-proofing tips and practices for your home to start this year. Clean Up the Kitchen After ...

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What You Should Do to Your Lawn During the Winter

December 21, 2022

When the cold season starts to kick in, your vegetation and lawn weaken as the temperature drops to the freezing point. To be wintertime-ready, you must set up and conduct winter lawn care before the season starts. Provide Soil Nutrients and Moisture. The soil becomes dry and brittle during the winter. That is why keeping it moist and ready for the cold season is critical. Although plants do not require much water during this season ...

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How To Winterize Your Home for Pest Prevention

November 12, 2022

During the winter, insects and animals scramble to find warm places to hide. Their desperate search for the perfect nesting ground frequently leads them to residential areas, inconveniencing homeowners. It is best to schedule your home for winter pest control for bugs, rats, rodents, and other critters before the chilly season begins. Winterizing your residence is the best option to prevent pests from coming to your place. Read this blog to learn some ways to ...

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