Pest Control Blogs

Wingate Pest & Lawn specializes in comprehensive lawn care and pest control services tailored to meet your needs. From routine maintenance to specialty pest control, we've got you covered. Visit our lawn page and learn from our blogs for more lawn maintenance and pest identification tips. Contact our lawn and pest control professionals in Columbia, MO today for a free inspection and estimate.

Identifying and Treating Common Summer Pests

July 22, 2024

The warm weather often brings unwelcome guests—pesky insects and rodents that can damper summer backyard barbecues, pool parties, and relaxation. From tiny ants marching single-file across your countertops to disease-carrying mosquitos and ticks, dealing with summer pests seems inevitable. Understanding how to identify and treat these common pests is crucial for enjoying a pest-free summer. This article explores the most common summer insects and effective pest management strategies. 1. Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are notorious for ...

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Everything You Need to Know About the Cicada Killer Wasp

August 1, 2021

In a nutshell, cicada killer wasps don’t sting unless provoked or mishandled. But, even though they’re generally harmless to people, they’re still unwanted because they cause damage to gardens and lawns. Here are a few things you should know about these insects: Appearance and Habitat Cicada killers are quite large, and adult males and females can reach up to 1.5 to 2 inches in length. They have black or dark brown ...

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Top 5 Termite Signs To Look For in Your Home

July 1, 2021

Termites are one of the most common pest problems experienced by homeowners. They usually feed on are wood, cardboard, paper, and even cotton. According to the University of Kentucky’s Entomology Department, they cause billions worth of property damage in the United States each year. As such, it’s important to detect signs of termites as early as possible. Here are some of the common indications there is termite activity in your home: Damaged Wood ...

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Tips for Dealing With Mice Infestation

May 1, 2021

Mice are among the most common house pests. They bring a lot of trouble to homeowners: they chew on electrical wirings, damage clothes and wooden furniture, and eat your stored food. In some cases, they can even cause various types of diseases. These tiny rodents are a huge problem, so you should get rid of them right away when you suspect that you have them at your residence. Here are some tips to help you ...

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