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Preparing for Seasonal Pest Control: Your Easy Checklist

September 2, 2024

Wingate Pest & Lawn's seasonal pest control

As the seasons change, homeowners need a solid plan to keep their homes pest-free especially during mosquito season. While it can be troublesome, dealing with this issue can be straightforward with the proper preparation. Use this seasonal checklist to handle pest problems and ensure your home remains comfortable and pest-free all year.
Spring: Start Fresh
  • Seal Cracks and Gaps: Inspect your home for any new cracks or gaps in the exterior and seal them with caulk. These measures prevent pests from entering your home as temperatures increase and their activity levels rise.
  • Remove Standing Water: Preventing mosquitoes from breeding is a must. As spring arrives, it's critical to eliminate all standing water around your property. This effort should include thoroughly cleaning gutters, bird baths, and any containers that hold water.
  • Inspect for Nests: Look around your home for wasp or hornet nests. Identifying stinging insects helps you address any nests quickly and safely, avoiding painful encounters.
Summer: Stay Vigilant
  • Keep Your Yard Tidy: Ensure you regularly cut grass and eliminate clutter, including leaves and twigs. Reducing hiding spots for pests makes your yard less appealing to mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Check and Repair Screens: Ensure all window and door screens are free from holes or tears. This will help keep mosquitoes and insects from entering your home during peak activity.
  • Maintain Cleanliness Indoors: Regularly vacuum and clean surfaces to remove food crumbs and spills. Keeping food secured in sealed containers is recommended to deter ants, flies, and mosquitoes from being attracted to your residence. Also, inspect eaves and awnings for nests and remove them as necessary.
Fall: Prepare for Cold Weather
  • Store Firewood Properly: Keep firewood away from your home and store it in a dry area. This approach prevents pests, such as termites and rodents, from nesting in the woodpile.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal any openings around pipes and entry points to block rodents and pests from invading your home in search of warmth.
  • Address Mosquito Habitats: With mosquito season ending, remove any sources of standing water, such as old bird baths or clogged gutters, to prevent late-season mosquito activity.
Winter: Keep an Eye Out
  • Inspect Stored Items: Regularly check stored items, like holiday decorations, for signs of pests. Rodents and insects might find their way into these items, seeking shelter from the cold.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Avoid leaving food crumbs and spills that might attract pests looking for a warm place to stay. Maintaining Cleanliness in your home helps minimize the risk of indoor pest infestations.
Get Seasonal Pest Control at Wingate Pest & Lawn
This seasonal pest control checklist helps maintain a pest-free home all year. Given the importance, especially during mosquito season, it is wise to seek professional help. For practical assistance, consider reaching out to Wingate Pest & Lawn. Our professional services ensure your home stays safe and comfortable, regardless of season. Consult us today for a free estimate.