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Managing Wasps and Hornets: What You Need to Do

September 2, 2024

Dealing with stinging insects like wasps and hornets can be daunting, especially if you need help identifying and managing these pests. With their aggressive nature and painful stings, it's crucial to know how to prevent them from nesting around your home and understand when to seek professional help.

How To Identify Stinging Insects

Wasps: Typically, wasps have slender bodies with a narrow waist. They are often bright yellow with black markings, though some species can be reddish-brown or metallic blue. Wasps are usually less aggressive than hornets but will defend their nests fiercely.

Hornets: Hornets are giant and more robust than wasps, with a thicker midsection. They tend to have black-and-white or black-and-yellow markings. Hornets are particularly aggressive and can sting multiple times, making them more dangerous.

Identifying these stinging insects is essential for implementing the proper prevention and control measures. If you need clarification on the type of insect, it's best to consult a professional.

Prevention Tips for Stinging Insects at Home

Preventing wasps and hornets from making your property their home requires vigilance and proactive measures.

Seal Entry Points: Check your home spaces for cracks, gaps, and other openings where wasps and hornets could enter. Sealing these points can prevent them from nesting inside walls, attics, or other hidden areas.

Proper Food Storage: Wasps and hornets are attracted to food, particularly sugary substances. Cover your food during outdoor activities and seal trash cans well.

Maintain Outdoor Areas: Regularly trim trees and bushes, and remove any dead wood or fallen fruit from your yard. These can serve as nesting sites or attract stinging insects looking for food.

Install Screens: Consider installing fine mesh screens over windows, doors, and chimneys to prevent wasps and hornets from entering your home.

Seek Professional Help at Wingate Pest & Lawn

While prevention is critical, there are times when professional intervention is necessary. If you encounter a hornet or wasp nest on your property, avoid attempting to remove it alone. Doing so without the proper equipment can result in painful stings or even dangerous allergic reactions.

Opting for professional pest control is the safest and most effective way to manage wasps and hornets. Professionals will accurately identify the stinging insects, locate nests, and safely remove them. They also use environmentally friendly methods to prevent future infestations, ensuring the safety of your family and pets.

Don't let stinging insects take over your outdoor spaces. Contact Wingate Pest & Lawn in Columbia, MO for expert assistance if you're dealing with wasps, hornets, or other pests throughout Mid-Missouri. Let us help you reclaim your yard and ensure your home is safe for your family.